Today, our goal was to put Peaches on a FR10 schedule of reinforcement. (This is also her last day of fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement before we move her to variable schedule of reinforcement.)
A fixed ratio schedule is a reinforcement schedule in which a behavior is reinforced when it occurs a fixed number of times. Therefore, Peaches has to press the lever at least 10 times before receiving a reinforcement.
The session started at 8:38 A.M and lasted 30 minutes. This was the longest session so far in Peaches training. Peaches pressed the lever 717 times and received 72 reinforcements. She weighed 213.5 grams, 1.5 grams above her target weight.
Peaches successfully learned the FR10 schedule of reinforcement. Peaches had very rapid run rates, which is the time between the end of the last post-reinforcement pause and a reinforcement. In her post-reinforcement pauses, which were longer compared to the previous sessions, she was rearing all over the box. She would jump and try and climb out of the box because it was taking so long for her to get a reinforcement. Peaches would go under and on top of the lever to see if that would give her a reinforcement faster. Megan and I could see this desperation of having to get a reinforcement in her behavior more today than the previous sessions.
Peaches Trying to Get Out of Box
Peaches during FR10 schedule
(you can see her rearing around the box and how quickly she presses the lever in order to reach the reinforcement rate)
Cumulative Record for FR10
Peaches was more active during the entire training session, but during her run rates she was consistently pressing the lever in order to get a reinforcement. Watching Peaches trying to get 10 lever presses was difficult for Megan and I because we didn't want Peaches to think that we didn't love her or want to reward her, but when we realized that we can't portray how we feel onto our rat.
The fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement is complete so next week we move on to a variable schedule of reinforcement to see how Peaches will do on a different reinforcement schedule. Peaches did incredibly well today! Good Job Peaches!
Graph of Number of Presses per Training Session (FR Schedule)
Graph of Number of Reinforcements per Training Session (FR Schedule)